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The undo middleware allows you to keep a history of the changes performed to your data and travel back (undo) and forth (redo) between those changes.

For example, given this simple model:

class Counter extends Model({ count: prop(0) }) {
add(n: number) {
this.count += n

const counter = new Counter({})

We can create an undo manager for it:

const undoManager = undoMiddleware(counter)


The returned undoManager offers the following data:

  • store: UndoStore - The store currently being used to store undo/redo action events.
  • undoQueue: ReadonlyArray<UndoEvent> - The undo stack, where the first operation to undo will be the last of the array.
  • redoQueue: ReadonlyArray<UndoEvent> - The redo stack, where the first operation to redo will be the last of the array.
  • undoLevels: number - The number of undo actions available.
  • canUndo: boolean - If undo can be performed (if there is at least one undo action available).
  • redoLevels: number - The number of redo actions available.
  • canRedo: boolean - If redo can be performed (if there is at least one redo action available).

And the following actions:

  • clearUndo() - Clears the undo queue.
  • clearRedo() - Clears the redo queue.
  • undo() - Undoes the last action. Will throw if there is no action to undo.
  • redo() - Redoes the previous action. Will throw if there is no action to redo.
  • dispose() - Disposes of the undo middleware.


Each change is stored as an UndoEvent, which is a readonly structure like:

  • targetPath: Path - Path to the object that invoked the action from its root.
  • actionName: string - Name of the action that was invoked.
  • patches: ReadonlyArray<Patch> - Patches with changes done inside the action. Use redo() in the UndoManager to apply them.
  • inversePatches: ReadonlyArray<Patch> - Patches to undo the changes done inside the action. Use undo() in the UndoManager to apply them.

Storing the undo store inside your models

undoMiddleware accepts a second optional parameter. When this parameter is omitted the event store will be just stored on some random model in memory, but if you want it to be stored inside one of your models (for example to persist it), you can do so by passing as second argument where it should be located.

class MyRootStore extends Model({
undoData: prop<UndoStore>(() => new UndoStore({})),
counter: prop<Counter>(() => new Counter({})),
}) {}

const myRootStore = new MyRootStore({})

const undoManager = undoMiddleware(myRootStore, myRootStore.undoData)

Making some changes skip undo/redo

Sometimes you might want some changes / part of changes skip the undo/redo mechanism. To do so you can use the withoutUndo method like this:

someAction() {
// this change will be redone/undone when the action is redone/undone

// you may skip only in certain undo managers ...
someUndoManager.withoutUndo(() => {
// this one won't

// or for all of them
withoutUndo(() => {
// this one won't

// this one will

Grouping multiple actions into a single undo/redo step

Sometimes you might want multiple actions to be undone/redone in a single step. If they are sync actions you may use the withGroup method like this:

someUndoManager.withGroup("optional group name", () => {

// note how nested groups are allowed
someUndoManager.withGroup(() => {

If they are async actions then you may use withGroupFlow instead:

someUndoManager.withGroupFlow("optional group name", function* () {
yield* _await(someModel.firstAsyncAction())

yield* _await(someService.someAsyncStuffInTheMiddle())

yield* _await(someModel.secondAsyncAction())

Another possibility is to use createGroup to group sync actions in separated code blocks:

const group = someUndoManager.createGroup("optional group name")
group.continue(() => {

const asyncValue = await someService.someAsyncStuffInTheMiddle()

group.continue(() => {
group.end() // at this point is when the undo event will be created

Now, once undo/redo is called all the actions will be undone/redone in a single call.

Limiting the number of undo/redo steps

By default there is no limit to the number of undo/redo steps that can be stored. If you want to limit the number of steps you can do so by passing the maxUndoLevels and maxRedoLevels options as third argument to undoMiddleware:

const undoManager = undoMiddleware(myRootStore, undefined, {
maxUndoLevels: 50, // or omit to have no limit
maxRedoLevels: 50, // or omit to have no limit

Adding attached state to each undo/redo step

Imagine a text editor where you don't want to undo each single cursor position change, but you still want to move the cursor to wherever it was before (when undoing) / after (when redoing) an action is performed.

For this use case you can use what is called an "attached state". This attached state gets saved before an undo/redo step is recorded, as well as after, and is restored after each undo/redo operation. In the case of the text editor, the "attached state" would be the cursor position.

interface TextEditorAttachedState {
cursorPosition: number

const undoManager = undoMiddleware(myRootStore, undefined, {
attachedState: {
save(): TextEditorAttachedState {
return {
cursorPosition, // get the cursor position
restore(attachedState: TextEditorAttachedState) {
// move the cursor position