Function toTreeNode

  • Turns an object (array, plain object) into a tree node, which then can accept calls to getParent, getSnapshot, etc. If a tree node is passed it will return the passed argument directly. Additionally this method will use the type passed to check the value conforms to the type when model auto type checking is enabled.

    Type Parameters


    • type: TType

      Type checker.

    • value: V

      Object to turn into a tree node.

    Returns V

    The object as a tree node.

  • Turns an object (array, plain object) into a tree node, which then can accept calls to getParent, getSnapshot, etc. If a tree node is passed it will return the passed argument directly.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends object


    • value: T

      Object to turn into a tree node.

    Returns T

    The object as a tree node.